FHa – Coordinator
Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon
The headquarters of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation is located in Walqa Technology Park in Huesca. It has a building with a 1,200-m2 floor area with offices, laboratories and a 8.50 m-high workshop with natural lighting, special security measures (ATEX), and gas detection and ventilation equipment, which is obligatory for work with hydrogen.
The building is included in the ITHER technological infrastructure for hydrogen and renewable energies, which the Foundation designed and developed. It will be used by the project to implement all the actions aimed at achieving a zero-emission building due to the use of renewable energies and hydrogen technologies.
The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation is a private non-profit making organisation created to promote the use of hydrogen as an energy vector. Promoted by the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Aragon, it was established in 2004 and backed by the administration, industry, and the main stakeholders in society, which today form an association of 64 entities, research centres and companies.
The Foundation’s aim is to organise, manage and implement a whole range of actions to generate, store and transport hydrogen for use in fuel cells in transport applications, or for the generation of distributed energy. This, in turn, fosters research, technological development, cogeneration and industrial adaptation, thus helping to modernise industry and improve competitiveness.